Introduction to Climate Change
- What is climate change? What are the sources of climate change?
- Climate change as a planetary boundary, what does it mean? Its interaction with other environmental challenges (nature)
- Global climate change governance
- Global and EU mechanisms and strategies for tackling climate change (markets, taxes)
- Assignment: what is my country’s strategy for climate change towards 2050? What are the main strategic axes?
- Reflection question: what is the role of business in tackling climate change?
Climate Change & Business: Impacts, Risks and Opportunities
- Impacts of climate change on business
- Risks and opportunities, vulnerabilities
The double materiality perspective: carbon accounting - Connectivity between non-financial and financial accounting (for climate change)
- Assignment: what are the impacts, risks and opportunities of climate change for my sector, my organization?
- Reflection question: how (and why should I) can I advocate for a double materiality in my own organization?
Carbon Accounting Arena
- Actors in the field of carbon accounting.
- ISSB, SEC, ESRS, GRI, TCFD and carbon accounting
- Auditing carbon accounting
- Assignment: read the report given and talk about compliance with standards. What do we learn about their carbon performance? What is missing?
- Reflection question: can you audit carbon accounts like you audit financial data? Can you move from limited assurance to reasonable assurance? Why is it needed?
Introduction to Carbon Accounting
- Different types of carbon accounting: what are we talking about?
- GHG Corporate Standard principles
- How to calculate carbon/emission factors. How to build a sound set of data for accounting.
- Assignment: calculate your own carbon footprint. What did you learn?
- Reflection question: should you do product carbon accounting? Should we move to a carbon management accounting system?
GHG Protocol Boundaries Setting
- Organizational boundaries
- Operational boundaries (notion of “scopes”)
- Assignment: Understand the operational boundaries of your own organization and where the GHG emissions sit
- Reflection: are scope 1 and 2 enough? Why and why not?
GHG Protocol Extended
- Scope 3 accounting
- Product accounting
- Reflection: can we trust scope 3 emissions?
Management of Carbon Accounting
- Danone case study
- Reading, understanding and writing a company carbon accounting manual
- Assignment: read a carbon accounting manual: What do you learn? what is missing?
Carbon Reduction
- Action plans
- Target setting: Neutrality, net zero, SBTI
- Final reflection: should SBTI targets be made mandatory?