The Financial Market
Index Awards 2023

Global Markets Media is proud to present the Index Awards 2023, celebrating the best in financial market indexes across all asset classes from banks, vendors and exchanges.

Who should apply?
Nominations are open to financial institutions and vendors.

The Index Awards 2023 are the only awards devoted to assessing and evaluating the best indexes and index providers across all areas of the financial markets. They are designed exclusively for banks, vendors, independent index providers and exchanges. See How to Enter.

There is no cost to enter the awards.

Award categories
Financial institutions and vendors can apply for the Index Awards 2023 across all asset classes, regions, themes and factors.

How are entries judged?
All award entries undergo an initial shortlisting stage for each category before being assessed by a panel of independent judges comprising financial market professionals, academics and independent experts. For each award category the judges then choose the winning entrant and runner-up. The judges will be looking for outstanding merit in the construction and performance of indexes for benchmarking and investing.

In assessing entries for each category, our judges will examine the indexes value as a benchmark and/or strategy. They will examine entries for financial market index qualities including (where relevant) investability and replicability, tracking error, representativeness, methodology rules and transparency. performance, screening criteria, turnover and eligibility.

Please note the judges’ decisions will be final.

Key dates
1 December 2022 – Awards open for nominations
28 February 2023 – Closing date for nominations
15 March 2023 – Shortlisted finalists announced
1 May 2023 – Winners and runners-up announced

Marketing packages for winners, runners-up and finalists will be available but there is no obligation to purchase a package and this will have no impact on the judges’ decisions.

Entry deadline
The closing date for nominations is Tuesday, 28 February 2023.

Should you have any questions or require further information please email us at: